ONP team has attained exceptional skills in preparing DPR “Detailed project report”. DPR will help our clients to get a complete 360° understanding of the solar project. Once the DPR will is prepared as per standards, this can be used for various levels of project approvals for internal and external purpose. Below are the few index points involved in DPR preparation. DPR is a very long and exhaustive document and it carries a commercial value to prepare a DPR.

  1. Introduction
  2. Location
  3. Site Description
  4. Existing Power Supply Arrangements
  5. Functional description of SPV Power system
  6. Arrangement
  7. Annual Energy Generation
  8. Integration of PV Power with the Grid
  9. Metering Scheme
  10. Power Quality Requirement
  11. Communication Interface
  12. Phasing of Expenditure
  13. Cost of Energy Generation & Tariff
  14. Bill of material
  15. Implementation of work
  16. Construction Schedule